
Episode 33 – Spring Cleaning

If you missed our April 27 discussion about “spring cleaning”, it is now available as the latest episode of our Condopedia podcast. 

The speakers in order of presentation and their associated topics are:

  1. Cheryll Wood (proposed changes to the Condominium Act regarding virtual and electronic meeting procedures – starts at 1:41)
  2. Melinda Andrews (wrapping up winter maintenance/snow removal contracts – starts at 10:33)
  3. Christy Allen (spring maintenance and summer landscaping contracts – starts at 20:36)
  4. Nicole Robinson (patio furniture, barbecues, firepits, and outdoor parties – starts at 30:40)

As always, Nancy Houle moderates the discussion.

You can find Condopedia below, and on major platforms such as PodbeanApple Podcasts, Google Podcasts , and Stitcher.

We hope you enjoy our discussion!