
Episode 17 – The 2021 DHA Holiday Q&A

Our readers likely know that we typically organize a Q&A session for the holiday season. This year, our session occurred on December 9th. If you missed it, you can now catch up by listening to the recording on our Podcast.

The topics and speakers are:

  1. Nancy – by-laws, starting at 2:36
  2. Cheryll – Rogue Owners and Directors, starting at 10:16
  3. Melinda – Smoking, starting at 19:10 
  4. Mohiminol – the CAT… and those Dogs, starting at 25:50
  5. Jessica – Access issues, condos and police, starting at 37:13
  6. David – Budget and Surpluses, starting at 44:32
  7. Emily – Status Certificates, starting at 51:05

There are some other goodies within the episode, including information on a potential future announcement. But you will have to listen to the episode to learn more!

You can find Condopedia on our website and on major platforms such as Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts , Stitcher, and many other platforms!

Stay tuned to Condo Law News to keep up to date on the latest developments in condominium law.