What Would I Change About the 2017 Amendments to the Condominium Act and Regulations?
At the 2019 Ottawa Condominium Conference (put on by CCI Eastern Ontario and ACMO), I was proud to participate as a member of the Legal Panel session. One of the questions that the panel members were asked was as follows: If you could, what would you change about the 2017 Amendments to the Condominium Act and Regulations? Here was my answer:
- I would scrap the mandatory prescribed proxy form. I don’t mind keeping the form – but only as an option (like the previous prescribed proxy forms).
- I would also shorten and simplify the Periodic Information Certificates and would only require that they be delivered annually. Better yet: How about a simple requirement that all owners be given a copy of the general portions of the corporation’s current status certificate (and attachments) with each AGM Package…..and scrap the PICs.
- I like the new mandatory Director training – but I would treat the CCI Directors’ Course as equivalent director training.
Stay tuned to Condo Law News to keep up to date on the latest developments!