Some Licensing and Education Requirement Updates for Condo Managers
As noted on the Condominium Management Registry Authority of Ontario (CMRAO) website, condominium management licences run from July 1st to June 30th each year and are to be renewed annually. In most years, the deadline for managers and management providers to complete their licence renewals will be June 30th. However, in this initial transition year (2018), this deadline was extended to August 31st. So, all managers and management providers should have completed their renewals (for the 2018-19 licence year) by August 31, 2018.
The CMRAO’s website confirms that as long as the renewal application was submitted (online) by August 31, 2018, managers and management providers can continue to provide services for the 2018-19 licence year. If you are concerned that your renewal application was not submitted in time, you’ll need to contact the CMRAO as soon as possible to confirm next steps and avoid any suspension of your licence.
In 2019, the opportunity to renew your licence (for the 2019-2020 licence year) will run from May 1, to June 30, 2019. So mark your calendars!
The CMRAO has also announced new continuing education (and testing) requirements to be fulfilled by July 2, 2019. These requirements currently only apply to General Licensees that completed their educational and examination requirements prior to November 1, 2017. These managers are required to successfully complete the training in order to renew their licence for the 2019 year.
The Minister of Government and Consumer Services has implemented this new requirement, in part, because of the recent changes to the Condominium Act. The concern is that managers with a general licence that completed their educational requirements prior to November 1, 2017 may not have up-to-date knowledge on the recent changes to Ontario’s condominium law. So the Ministry has mandated the new continuing education requirements.
The program is called “Continuing Education for Condo Manager General Licence Renewal (2019)” and will be offered online by the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (ACMO). It includes three webinars and one test for the cost of $125 plus HST (and $44 plus HST for each additional re-write….which readers of our blog won’t need, of course!).
Please note that at this time, the continuing education requirements do not apply to:
1) General Licensees that completed their educational and examination requirements after November 1, 2017;
2) Transitional General Licensees; or,
3) Limited Licensees.
But there is no doubt that continuing education requirements applying to these other categories may be coming in the future.
For more detail, visit the CMRAO website!