
New Authorities Under Bill 106

As most of our readers will know, the province has established two new authorities under Bill 106, the Protecting Condominium Owners Act:

  1. The Condominium Authority of Ontario
  2. The Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario – under the new Condominium Management Services Act, 2015

The province’s website lists the functions of the Condominium Authority. The Condo Authority will provide:

  • Affordable access to quicker, accessible and lower cost resolution of disputes primarily between corporations and owners
  • Self-help tools, case management and mediation to prevent easy-to-resolve disputes from being tied up in costly and time-consuming legal proceedings
  • Education and awareness for condo owners about their rights and responsibilities, and the basics of condo living and how it differs from other freehold ownership
  • Education for condo directors
  • A registry of all condo corporations in Ontario, including their boards of directors and contact information
  • A guide for condo buyers, setting out unit owners’ roles and responsibilities

The province’s website says that the Condominium Management Regulatory Authority will administer the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015, including the following functions:

  • A compulsory licensing system for condo managers and management providers
  • Training and education requirements for managers
  • A code of ethics for condo managers and providers

These two new provincial authorities won’t start performing their various functions just yet. We are all still waiting for the new regulations (under this legislation) and for the legislation to be proclaimed in force. We’re now told that these steps will happen in stages in 2017.

In the meantime, the province is preparing the authorities for their coming work, and has appointed the initial Boards of Directors for the two authorities. They are as follows:

Condominium Authority of Ontario
Tom Wright, Chair
Genevieve Chornenki
Armand Conant, Secretary
Frank D’Onofrio

Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario
Aubrey LeBlanc, Chair
Joan Andrew
John Oakes
Gail Beggs

For more information about Bill 106, contact us.