Hydro HST Rebate: Have you received it?
Has your Condominium started to receive the Hydro HST rebate yet?
As you may recall, Jim Davidson posted a blog on September 21, 2016 entitled “Hydro HST Rebate: Are you Eligible?”. At that time, it was not clear who would be entitled to receive the Hydro HST credit.
We can now confirm that condominiums ARE eligible.
The Ontario Rebate for Electricity Consumers Act, 2016 states that the 8% rebate is available to consumers that have an “eligible account”. The Act defines an “eligible account” to include “a property, within the meaning of the Condominium Act, 1998”. Therefore, in my view, condominium corporations should be receiving this credit.
[Note: Although the credit was to start January 1, 2017, the credit may not have been applied right away. This is because the first one or two bills of the year may have dealt with electricity consumption in 2016. Therefore, condominiums may only actually see the credit on its most recent bill.]
Another credit….
On Thursday, March 2, 2017, there was announcement about a new credit, under Ontario’s Fair Hydro Plan, for another 17% credit (totaling 25% with the current 8% HST credit). It appears that this additional credit may be effective in June. We will have to wait and see who is eligible to receive this additional credit!
Stay tuned for more blogs on Hydro Rebates.