Hydro Billings – Consider Your Options
In some condominiums (often older high-rises), electricity is “bulk-metered”. In bulk-metered condominiums, there are no separate hydro meters for the units, and all electricity (including electricity consumed in the units) is paid by the condominium corporation and included in the common expenses.
When electricity is bulk-metered, a couple of options may be worth considering:
(a) The condominium may wish to deliver a “Self-Declaration” form to the hydro utility (the form can be obtained from the hydro utility). The effect of this is as follows: Before the Self-Declaration form is delivered, the condominium is deemed to have only one unit (and will be billed accordingly). After the Self-Declaration form is delivered, the condominium will be billed based upon the number of units in the condominium. Credits and lower rates will then be applied for each of the units in the condominium. This could result in considerable savings.
(b) The condominium may wish to explore converting to suite metering. There are many factors and considerations (when it comes to suite metering). Some hydro utilities are now willing to assist condominium corporations by covering the cost for suite meters; and in some cases the utility will even read the suite meters, and bill the owners. But other costs (for example, costs to upgrade the electrical system to allow for suite metering) may not be covered by the utility. The ultimate result (if suite metering is pursued) is that electricity consumed in the units would be paid by the owners, and would be removed from the common expenses.
Again, these options may be worth exploring.
There are also energy management consultants who can help with these and other hydro billing issues.