
Episode 35 – Summer Q & A

As our readers may know, we had our Summer Q & A event on June 22, 2023. If you had missed the event, the recording is now available as our latest Podcast episode!

The topics and speakers are:

  1. Melinda Andrews – Rentals;
  2. Cheryll Wood – Human Rights;
  3. Nicole Robinson – Section 19 Issues;
  4. David Lu – The CAT, Enforcement & Smoking;
  5. Jessica Weick – Voting;
  6. Emily Deng – Obligations and Exceptions;
  7. Victoria Craine – Repairs; and  
  8. Christy Allen – Reserve Funds.

You can find Condopedia below, and on major platforms such as PodbeanApple Podcasts, Google Podcasts , and Stitcher.

We hope you enjoy our discussion!