Do You Have Copies of the Survey Plans for Your Condominium?
The survey plans for a condominium contain a great deal of information. Among other things,
- they show the overall boundaries of the condominium property;
- they show the unit boundaries (typically including a helpful cross-section);
- they show the exclusive-use areas; and
- they also show portions of the property that are subject to easements or rights enjoyed by other lands.
So, the survey plans can be extremely helpful to the Board and/or the Manager.
[As a general rule, we like to have copies of the survey plans for all of our condominium clients.]
The survey plans can sometimes be obtained on-line, through the Teraview Land Registration System. Otherwise, they can be obtained (for about $5 a sheet) from the local Land Titles Office.
My recommendation to every Board and Manager is as follows: if you don’t have them, I recommend that you consider obtaining a full set of the survey plans for your condominium.
Note that the as-built architectural, structural, mechanical and/or electrical drawings are completely separate and distinct from the survey plans. The as-built drawings are also very important, but they contain very different information – about the physical construction of the condominium building(s). The survey plans contain information about legal boundaries and interests in land.